Contact Us

Adopt A Platoon (Adoptaplatoon/AAP) Troop Support Effort®

Phone Number:

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Ground Mail Address:

Attn: Michael Henry Hagg
PO Box 234
Lozano, Texas 78568

National Address:

Attn: Michael Henry Hagg
P.O. Box 1846
Merrifield, VA 22116-9965

Note to monetary donors and the public: Please do not send products for AdoptaPlatoon Troop Care Packages. The above addresses will not accept parcels or boxes. Please contact us via email first before mailing any size of boxes or parcels to us. At the present time due to security concerns and Covid 19, AAP cannot accept products donated by the public.

Become a Member of the AdoptaPlatoon (AAP) Team and Sponsor U.S. deployed Troops with your monetary donation by clicking on the DONATE tab in the menu. Please become a member of the AAP Team and help us ensure our U.S. Troops they are never forgotten and that they receive the extra support to make their deployments easier and assist in raising and maintaining high morale. AdoptaPlatoon is a 501C-3 nonprofit and all monetary donations are a tax deductible charitable gift. Credit card donations can be made on our website by clicking the “Donate now” tab. You can donate via PayPal, become a Platoon Patriot Recurring Donor, or write to one of the emails listed above for further instructions. Checks are accepted by sending to the ground mail addresses listed above. The AdoptaPlatoon program sends on-going care package support to U.S. Troops to improve deployment quality of life from the AAP Troop Support Warehouse on a daily basis throughout the year. We have been doing this work in support of U.S. deployed Military since 1997. This high level of on-going support shipped to U.S. Troops deployed in service of our Nation would not be possible without the financial support of Americans who stand behind our Heroes. AdoptaPlatoon depends solely on the assistance and generosity of the American people for this support to our Troops and they are deeply grateful. For different ways to give including matching gift donations from your employment go to the “Donation” page of the website.


If you are a U.S. Service Member who is deployed or your unit is getting ready to deploy and you wish to participate in the AdoptaPlatoon Troop Support Effort patriotic mail support program, please sign up using the “Military Sign Up” page found in the menu section of this website. If you can’t access the AdoptaPlatoon Troop sign up page on the website, email Norma at AdoptaPlatoon sends support to individual deployed Service Members, entire Platoons, Companies and Battalions and we support every branch of the Military. We work with our Military to create the best mail support program we can deliver. Support programs are also available for Chaplains and special holiday support campaigns as well.

Contact AAP Staff

Norma McNeely
Information Manager/
Liaison to the Troops

Gigi Chochran
AAP Troop Support Assistant
Liaison to the Troops

Michael Henry Hagg
Executive Director

Chad Austin Woolam

Stephanie Salinas
AdoptaPlatoon HQ Office Management

You can also contact AAP by writing to

Words from a Commander:

“We could not do what we do over here without knowing we have the support and payers of our home team. Thank you again for standing alongside us as together we preserve and advance freedom. You truly make a difference!” John Chadbourne, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army Commander

AdoptaPlatoon Soldier Support Effort® is a 501C-3 nonprofit charitable corporation.